Authorization Registration
InteliChart's FHIR API uses OAuth 2.0 to manage authorization for patient information. To enable access, we require the follow information.
- client_id - a public identifier for apps. This will be automatically generated during the on-boarding process.
- redirect_uri - the URL the authorization server will redirect the user to after authorization.
credentials - We support Asymmetric (public key)
and Symmetric (shared secret)
Authorization. When registering a backend client app that requests system level scopes, you must register a
JWKS URL during on-boarding.
If your application does not require system level scopes, a client secret will be generated automatically.
Symmetric (shared secret)
Authorization Code Flow
- Obtain authorization and access token endpoints from or
Request an authorization code. The request should contain the following parameters:
- response_type: This must be set to "code"
- client_id: Your application's client_id generated during the on-boarding process
- scope: a space separated list of scopes for which your application is requesting access.
- redirect_uri: your application's redirect uri, which will be called as a callback after the request completes.
- If the user is not logged in, they will be redirected to a login page and then prompted to grant consent to requested scopes.
- The authorization server will redirect to the provided redirect_uri, appending a code parameter, scopes, and session_state to the URL.
After receiving the authorization code from the previous step, exchange the authorization code for an Access Token.
Send an HTTP POST request to the token endpoint identified in step 1.
- Include a Content-Type header with value set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
- In the Authorization header, send your client id and client secret in the format client_id:client_secret (Base 64 encoded)
In the request body, include the following:
- grant_type: "authorization_code"
- code: The authorization code sent as a querystring parameter on the Redirect URI
- redirect_uri: the same redirect_uri as used in the authorization code request
- client_id: Your application's client_id generated during the on-boarding process
- audience: the base URL of the InteliChart FHIR API.
- This request will return a JSON object in the Response Body that contains the Access Token
Asymmetric (public key) Authorization
Client Credentials Flow
- Obtain access token endpoint from or
Send an HTTP POST request to the token endpoint
- Include a Content-Type header with value set to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
In the request body, include the following fields and values
- client_assertion_type: urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer
- grant_type: client_credentials
- scope: a space separated list of scopes
client_assertion: a JWT containing the following information:
- The JWT header must contain the the algorithm, a type of "JWT" and the key identifier
The payload must contain:
- jwks_url: the URL of your JWK. This must match the URL registered during on-boarding.
- accessTokensExpireIn: the number of minutes until the JWK expires.
- iat: Time integer for when the JWT was created, expressed in seconds since the "Epoch" (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC).
- sub: your Client Id
- iss: your Client Id